Get Involved
Financial Support
The scope of our programs depend entirely upon financial support. Our programs require significant investment in solar and irrigation components and many items not readily available in Malawi, tons of books, steel library shelving and tables. As a result we make an annual shipment of thousands of pounds of materials: a significant component of our operating cost is shipping those materials and supplies to Malawi from New Jersey. Our annual operating budget is primarily by monetary support of individuals, and also support from Liberty Corner Presbyterian Church. We are a mission of LCPC, which is a 501c3 non-profit organization, as is our partner organization, Ministry of Hope. All gifts are tax deductable.
Preparation at Home
The greatest component of our volunteering opportunities are at home. Volunteers get involved through the year, conducting 80 percent of our work, either at our workshop or our church. Collecting, sorting, and packing thousands of donated books for our libraries in Malawi is a massive job. A great deal of our programs involve custom components due to the specifics of the projects as well as to save money, including wood and metal fabrication, painting, wiring, electronics. We are always seeking people with sewing skills to make dresses for orphan girls. And the construction of crates, final packing, and transportation of our shipment toward a container ship in itself involves the hands-on participation of many volunteer workers.
Our Travel Team
Malawi Visions is a hands-on development team who share and are willing to communicate a common commitment to Jesus Christ. Each year one or more of us spend 3 weeks in Malawi, in the role of “project manager,” leading a dozen Malawian volunteers conducting the on-ground activity.
Anyone who travels goes with a specific purpose. Our traveler numbers have varied from year to year, with greatly varied interests, skills, and talents. We expect each traveler to be an integral part of our projects, and will have already participated in the many preparation phases throughout the year in significant ways. We don’t invite volunteers to come “empty handed” and search for a “vision”. In addition to our “large” projects, members of our group develop Bible programs and activities, assist in medical clinics, lead home visits, construct home irrigation systems, meet with local evangelism youth teams and distributed Bibles to assist their activities, and many other activities. Being actively involved makes a difference. We impact one person at a time. Not merely as visiting observers, but work, worship, and play alongside the people.